Senior Mechanical...
Kinexus is Australia's Leading Supplier of recruitment solutions to the Defence Industry. We are proud to partner with one of the leading Primes in the industry to deliver engineering solutions to ...
Name: Eirene Andre
Job Title: Talent Manager
Industry/Sector: Defence/Perm
One thing you bring to your role: Charisma and patience
What makes the Defence Industry unique?
The Defence Industry has such a vast landscape for opportunities and growth and the nature of work is purposeful and contributes to a “bigger picture” mindset.
What question do you always ask a candidate, and why?
“What are your top 3 motivators when considering your next role?" When a candidate can clearly express their top motivators and expectations for their next role, it fosters greater transparency and leads to a more well-rounded and informed candidate experience."
What could you give a 40-minute presentation on with absolutely no preparation?
The Harry Potter Universe. It really brings out my inner geek.